Capitalizing on big award shows is tough for any brand. But when Chambord asked us to sneak our way in there, we knew we had to have fun with it. Their brand is fun, their tone is fun, and their audience is fun… so while everyone else was talking about the 88th Academy Awards, we went all-in on Leo.
Aside from him being the talk of the town for his performance in The Revenant, Mr. DiCaprio embodied the spirit of our larger campaign, #BecauseNoReason; he continued doing what he loved regardless of recognition.
These real-time social posts celebrated Leo’s iconic movies through whimsical language and references only a Leo lover would understand. They were Chambord’s most engaged social posts of all time, completely circumvented legal restrictions, and, we like to think, were partially responsible for the spangly statue he took home. Clink-Clink!
Shorty Awards 2017 • Winner Best Use of Images, Social Media Campaign
Shorty Awards 2017 • Finalist Best Use of Gifs, Social Media Campaign
Shorty Awards 2017 • Bronze Art Direction